Sunday, September 11, 2011


It's been 10 years since that Tuesday no one will ever forget.

I was thinking today about the moments from that day that hit me the hardest. I'm sure everyone has has certain memories that have stuck with them most clearly. For me, the image, and particularly the sound, that seared my soul and burned into my memory that day was the sound of the distress alarms going off on the firefighters when they began showing footage of ground zero and the rescue efforts. I will never forget hearing so many piercing reminders of all the firefighters and other rescue personnel who were running into the World Trade Center buildings when everyone else was running out. I have a huge respect for firefighters. I have two of them very dear to my heart.
My Dad and Brother (and my nephew!), both professional firefighters (Dad retired).
I think this was the day my brother was made Captain.

A more recent photo of my brother after he ran the Firefighter Combat Challenge last year. He's on the far left.

343 firefighters and paramedics died in the attacks on 9/11/01. That is well over ten percent of the total number of people killed that day. I am remembering them today.

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