Wednesday, February 22, 2012

One of My Favorite Things Also Drives Me a Little Nuts

My junk drawer.  It is one of my favorite things, and also the bane of my existence.  Okay, I'll be honest.  I don't just have one junk drawer.

I have many, many junk drawers.

Oh, how I love junk drawers.  It's so great to have a place (many places) where it is easy to dump things you aren't sure you can get rid of but you don't know what to do with.  Camera charger?  Pretend grocery list that came with Miss's toy shopping cart?  Part of a toy set that was chewed on by our dog?  Instructional DVD for a sling carrier?  Book with a seriously obnoxious song that I had to hide from Miss or risk losing my mind?  Right on.  Pile it all right in there. 

Unfortunately, as much as I love my junk drawers (and cabinets, and cupboards...), they also drive me a little crazy every time I open one of them.  I mean, what the heck is this stuff??

So.  Recently I made a goal to clean out all of my junk drawers, cupboards, and cabinets, one at a time, over the next several months.  I started with my main junk drawer in the kitchen today.  Above is before.  After:

Admittedly, there is still some junk in there that I'm not sure what to do with, that could probably be thrown away or put in a more designated space.  But I wasn't sure about some of it because I cleaned the drawer when my husband was at work and some of the stuff is his.  So, I just took one of the organizer baskets and put all of his stuff into it.  Thus, it's organized, right?  And really, the whole purpose of a junk drawer is to contain random things for which there isn't another, better place.  That's the beauty of it, after all.

I was pretty proud of this little accomplishment today.  Now I just have to tackle about 6-10 more drawers and several cupboards and cabinets.  Yikes.  Is there a support group for this?

In other news, my girls are on the mend, finally.  The poor things still have runny noses and coughs, but they are perking up and seem to be feeling much better.  Especially Miss, who got sick first.

I'm so relieved they're feeling better.  I hate when they're sick.

Little Sis is still breech. I'm still trying things to help her flip.  I'm getting a little discouraged at this point, to be honest.  If she's as big as Lass was, she's probably already 8-8.5 pounds, so I'm not getting my hopes up that she'll turn without some help.  I'm still trying though.

Next week is my husband's big week off, when we will finally get the things done that we need to do before she arrives.  I'm so excited to see her room start to come together.  I started packing my hospital bag a little bit today.  Won't be long now!


  1. Loved your junk drawer! LOL I have/had one/several of those, too. Took me much longer to clean mine out, though. What caught my eye and necessitated my comment was the binky...I saved one that belonged to one of the kids, and by the time I got around to throwing it out, it had dry-rotted!!! HA!
    Glad the girls are feeling better.
    Unka and I loved seeing you...

    1. Auntie - So you mean the FIVE binkies?? And did you notice my measuring tape? Gotta have one of those:) XOXO - A
